52 Weeks 52 Tests - Week 7 - Hypnotherapy (Part 1)

As a western kid, and one from the nation of Pasteur, I have been loaded with antibiotics in my youth, for all sorts of conditions. I deeply believe that whilst it may have saved me from certain complications, it has also left certain fragility in my organism. 

Like many people I don't like going to doctors and rather prefer not to fall sick in the first place. Over the years, I have therefore observed what works and what does not in my lifestyle. Besides paying more attention to what I eat, I have developed an interest in alternative medicines, yet have not tried anything at all, besides maybe, diffusing some essential oils in my flat... 

It is only natural then that some of these medicines make it to my #52W52T challenge!

This week, I had a first consultation with Nisha Jhiangani, from Mind Wellness, about an hypnotherapy treatment. I have been fascinated with hypnosis for a long time, and recently my business school friend Mustafa turned into HypnoMus and stopped auditing for KPMG to dedicate himself to his passion, and now performing comedy hypnosis shows on stage in Colombia. One more reason to pick my interest and get started, somehow...I guess... 

Nisha asked for the main reason for me coming to see her, and so (besides the sheer pleasure of experimenting) I named "stopping my casual smoking completely" as a pressing concern, which also one of my objectives for 2015. I also mentioned excessive blushing / sweating in social presentation contexts as another pressing concern. I'm probably going to focus on that as I sense that there are somatic causes to this that would make for a most interesting treatment topic. 

Nisha ran me through the hows and whys of hypnosis, highlighting that: 
  • contrary to misconceptions, we all experience hypnosis regularly, like for instance when we are so focused and immersed into driving that we eventually miss a turn. 
This video helps to understand more about how hypnosis leverages the subconscious minds to make suggestions. 

She also highlighted the following:
  • hypnosis aims at treating the root causes (the immersed part of the iceberg whose emerged part are the symptoms. 
  • hypnosis is not psychotherapy, and one has to come with a serious problem it really wants to solve for seeing a chance of success. 
  • Patient keep control during an hypnosis session
  • It is better not to over-analyse what was said during the session so as to maximize the power of suggestions (how to write a post without hypnotherapy if I can't analyze :@) 
Anyway, I signed in for a package of 5 sessions, which is the recommended time to solve typical problems... It is pretty expensive, but to solve a really annoying personal issue, I don't mind!
At this point, I am pretty excited for my first consultation that will happen tomorrow.

Stay tuned for my first impressions, coming soon in Hypnotherapy (part 2)!

************** Update from February 12th ************** 

So, I had my first therapy session yesterday...
I was reminded that it is better not to analyze what happened during the session and let the effects sink in for better long term results. All I can tell you is that it was quite an experience to go through...

As a consequence, I won't tell you much at this stage, and Part 2 will come later this year then, when all sessions are behind me and a cold headed assessment can be made.

In the mean time, let Pharrell close your eyes and let him hypnotize you, he will make your storm feel sky blue.

See you soon for Week 8


  1. Super intéressant ! ! ! Impatiente de lire votre bilan...
    J ai pour ma part toujours pensé qu'il fallait y croire pour que l hypnose fonctionne...

  2. I recently underwent hypnotherapy for a variety of personal reasons, and all that you've described are spot on! It was (thankfully) very beneficial to me, gave me a lot of clarity on how I have dealt with certain past issues and, more importantly, how I needed to change to be kinder to my own self. I hope this becomes an enriching and empowering part of your journey of self-discovery and evolution.


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